Friday, March 7, 2014

Migration Station!

Through our animal unit, we have talked about how winter affects animals. We read a book called 'Animals in Winter' that describes the 4 ways animals survive in this cold season: migrate, hibernate, store food, or hunt. As a follow up on the concept of migration your students watched a BrainPopJr movie on migration, then cut out one animal who migrates to use as a puppet in our display of migration. We then took a floor map (we had to add the compass rose as one student notedly pointed out) and acted out how various animals migrate south for the winter.

With the winter we have been having I don't blame some of these animals for going south.... Maybe we can tag along? :)

1 comment:

  1. What a fun, hands on way to talk about migration. Love that the kids noticed a compass rose was needed!
